Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Girls With Guns

As far as the "chic in the honda" target...

It only took one magazine to end the situation.


A Day At The Range...

I spent the day at the range with my wife today. Weather conditions were great and we had a blast. Week days are always nice because the chances are good that you have the entire range to yourself. I picked up a few bad guy targets a few weeks ago and they proved to be ideal. It was refreshing to use the large photo targets as we usually shoot smaller paper targets and steel plates.


Tuesday, December 29, 2009

I Thought My Christmas Was Good...

"He who hath the biggest trash pile, haddeth the best Christmas."
- Southern Man Cave

I now know where the Joneses live. This is what it must look like after winning the lottery just before Christmas. When I first saw it, I thought "Damn! I need to take a picture of that." I am proud to say that after Christmas this year, my trash can did not spilleth over.

Forgive the image quality, it was a recon mission with my cell phone.


A Perfect Pair

551 Griptilian & 556 Mini Griptilian

I recently added two more Benchmades to my collection. I wanted a Mini Griptilian like my wife's (not pink) and could not resist getting his bigger brother also. I do not want to come across as some Benchmade Axis-Locking narrow-minded fan boy, but compared to all other knives I have held... all others suck!

To quote Muhammad Ali:
"Float like a butterfly, Sting like a bee!"
Fast, Smooth and sharp as hell!

Steel: 154CM (Good all around steel.)
Blade Style: Mod. Drop-Point (Good utility shape.)
Locking Mechanism: Axis (Great design.)
Handle Material: GTX (Secure and solid feel.)

Both of these knives are very grippy and light enough for every day carry. These two will be replacing the SOG Flash I & Flash II respectively as my every day utility blades.

The best part of buying a new knife is now I can focus on my next one.
