Friday, August 21, 2009

It's Not Rocket Science!

Why is it that when my wife shops for groceries, she spends $150 + and I am able to make it in and out for around $50? It's not like I am only buying junk. Take today for example. My proof is in the photo.

Eggs (On sale)
Milk (On sale)
Loaf of Bread (Not on sale but we needed it.)
Parchment Paper (the only item my wife said she needed.)

Large mixed fruit bowl

Lunch items:
Lunch meat (On sale)
Cheese slices (On sale)
2 bags of chips (On sale)

Dinner items:
Ground Beef (On sale)
Lettuce for salads

2 packs of peanut butter & Cheese crackers (On sale)
2 packs of Publix cookies (On sale)

Couple 4 packs of Red Bull (It gives me wings.)
1 White Chocolate Kit Kat that called my name at checkout
Game over! Even after tax, I cashed in at a little over $50. Throw in a case of beer and we are still only talking about $75. I do not get it.


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